Patient Ombudsman 2023/24
Better Experiences
Better Health Care
Patient Ombudsman’s message
As one of the few ombuds offices in Canada focused exclusively on health care, Patient Ombudsman is uniquely placed to gather and share information and make recommendations to improve the quality of health care.
What Patient Ombudsman does
We champion fairness for everyone, and work to ensure more positive health care experiences for all Ontarians.
2023/24 at a glance
Year over year growth in complaints

Improving efficiency
In 2023/24, Patient Ombudsman resolved more complaints than it received, despite an overall growth in the number of complaints received.
The 1,630 written complaints resolved in 2022/23 included the remaining cases from a backlog that accumulated because of the COVID-19 pandemic. After the backlog was eliminated in July 2023, significant improvements have been made in our response time to written cases, as shown in the graph below. Most call centre complaints continue to be resolved within three days and written complaints are acknowledged in writing within days of receipt.

Spotlight issues
Patient Ombudsman monitors the complaints we receive to identify emerging issues. Our “Spotlight” stories shine a light on the kinds of cases we receive, how we achieve resolutions, and where health sector organizations can look for opportunities to improve patient and caregiver experiences.