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In 2023/24, Patient Ombudsman began tracking an increasing number of complaints related to obstetrical and gynecological care issues, including complaints about insensitivity, poor communication and lack of responsive care for pregnancy complications, miscarriages, difficult births and sexual assaults.

Some of the complaints were about serious incidents in which patients’ severe pain was ignored or dismissed or a failure to carry out fetal monitoring leading to tragic outcomes.
While the clinical nature of the complaints meant that they often fell within the scope of health professions regulatory colleges, Patient Ombudsman also identified broader organizational issues, including a lack of trauma-informed care approaches that, if addressed, could improve the experiences of patients and their families.
In 2023/24, Patient Ombudsman identified 130 such complaints. The majority of the complaints were about public hospitals (100) and community surgical and diagnostic centres (nine), as well as 26 non-jurisdictional complaints about medical care (14 about primary care providers and 12 about obstetrician/gynecologist specialists).
The terms “obstetrical violence” and “obstetric and gynecological violence” have been used by researchers and the media to describe a range of negative patient experiences including disrespectful, inadequate, non-consensual or abusive gynecological and obstetrical care.1,2 While the terms are somewhat controversial,3 there is ample evidence globally and in Canada that many women report experiences with gynecological and obstetrical care that is at the least insensitive and at worst results in serious harm or leaves lasting trauma.4,5
Patient Ombudsman will continue to monitor this trend and has launched an investigation into a case involving an emergency department’s response to a patient with a pregnancy complication that will be reported in 2024/25.