Calls and formal complaints to Patient Ombudsman are extremely high at this time.

For new complainants: expect delays in returning your call.

For current complainants: expect delays in progressing your complaint file.

Our sincere apologies – we are doing our best to respond to you as quickly as possible. Our team is prioritizing the most urgent complaints. We appreciate your patience.

COVID-19 questions and information

Thank you,
Patient Ombudsman Team


In certain circumstances, Patient Ombudsman may determine that it is appropriate to launch a formal investigation. Investigations generally occur when an early resolution to a complaint cannot be achieved, there are disputes about the facts, or Patient Ombudsman initiates an own motion investigation.

An own motion investigation can happen without a complaint from a patient, resident or caregiver. This type of investigation is generally about a systemic issue or a matter of high public interest that comes to Patient Ombudsman’s attention through trends in complaints, media reports or third parties.

Through our investigations, Patient Ombudsman makes recommendations to health organizations to improve experiences for other patients, residents and families.

Completed investigations and their recommendations are available through our investigation summaries.


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